#fritz maurer
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intellectures · 2 years ago
Wenn Texte atmen
Pünktlich zum Österreich-Schwerpunkt auf der Leipziger Buchmesse erscheint »Literatur und Kritik« in neuem Gewand. Unter der neuen Herausgeberin Ana Marwan zeigt sich die österreichische Zeitschrift auf der Höhe der Zeit: vielfältig, offen und innovativ.
Pünktlich zum Österreich-Schwerpunkt auf der Leipziger Buchmesse erscheint »Literatur und Kritik« in neuem Gewand. Unter der neuen Herausgeberin Ana Marwan zeigt sich die österreichische Zeitschrift auf der Höhe der Zeit: vielfältig, offen und innovativ. Continue reading Untitled
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lokaleblickecom · 6 months ago
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elarafritzenwalden · 3 years ago
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'Stadttheater Ingolstadt', theater Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany; 1961-66
Hardt-Waltherr Hämer + Marie Brigitte Hämer; Heinrich Eichmann (goldleaf murals), Hans Aeschbacher (obelisk sculpture), Haussmann & Haussmann (interior layout and decoration); photography by Fritz Maurer
see map | more information 1, 2
via "Cementbulletin" 36-37 (1968-1969)
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scandinaviancollectors · 8 years ago
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Copenhagen townhouse kitchen: Marble and brushed steel dining table model no. PK 54 (1963) and chairs model no. PK 9 (1960) both by Poul Kjærholm, Zettel’z pendant light by Ingo Maurer (1997). Photography by Vipp. / Dwell
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willimannarai-new · 4 years ago
Avatar tours#1-3: Zurich-Tokyo
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«Am nächsten Tag ging die Sonne auf »
Helmhaus Museum, Zurich/CH
4. December 2020 - 24. January 2021.  20. December 2020 -  2. March 2021 - 5. April 2021 
With: Ali Al-Fatlawi, The Bad Conscience (Veru Loremipsum & LS Grave), Seraina Dür & Jonas Gillmann (in collaboration with the Theater Neumarkt Zürich), Philip Matesic, Teresa Pereira, Silvia Popp – Insel Institut, Alicia Velázquez, Guido Vorburger, Wassili Widmer, Willimann/Arai, Mirjam Wirz, Druckatelier Thomi Wolfensberger – curated by Nadja Baldini, Vreni Spieser, Simon Maurer and Daniel Morgenthaler
Next Day The Sun Came Up – that could be the opening sentence of a novel. The exhibition at Helmhaus is all about breaking out and starting afresh – with the rising sun. It is about the capacity for resistance and regeneration – having overcome sheer exhaustion. It is about the possibilities of renewal. A dozen or so collectives and individuals, idiosyncratic, unconventional and compelling artists from Zurich, are putting themselves and their work out there at Helmhaus.
We actually came up with this title Next Day The Sun Came Up back in 2019. With its interwoven allusions to past, present and future, it could easily be the title of a novel or even of a rom-com. Today, we are all aware that the whole world is like some penny-dreadful. There is no guarantee of a happy ending. The only thing we know for sure is that the sun will come up next day. No matter what happened last night. The relentlessness of time, passing as it does, even over masses of dead bodies, under radiant blue skies, is both a blessing and a curse. Time goes on. That is the only certainty there is. Not for everyone, but for those who remain. Its unpredictable, inexorable advance right across the entire world defines the present. No algorithm can fully help us to prepare for the future, through growth and depression, whether economic or healthwise. And so we stumble along, lightheaded and breathless. What we suppress comes back to haunt us.
Even before the virus began to circulate, we had already chosen circulation as our theme for 2020 and the participating artists had already been exploring concepts of circulation in their art. The participating artists keep on going, producing, creating, heading reflectively into each day. They take the light with them and make something of it. No matter what may come – next day. They weave a web of threads between continents and cultures, between past and present, between day and night, banality and dream. They exchange viewpoints, address their counterparts and opponents. They speak with pigeons.
Four examples: Next day the sun came up – but what was Zurich like the day before? Artist Philip Matesic always develops his works in collaboration with exhibition visitors and passers-by. In this instance, he wants to find out, as part of a collective, whether a city such as Zurich has a memory. In doing so, he uses techniques inspired by American author Joe Brainard’s I Remember, unleashing a veritable stream of memory that inexorably sweeps us along, churning memories of our own to the surface. Zurich? Now, that somehow reminds me…
Mayumi Arai is always eight hours ahead of us and far away, while Nina Willimann explores the area around the Helmhaus: time, space and body overlap on encountering the avatar willimannarai. A flesh-and-blood creature speaks to us, here in Zurich. And yet there is a nagging uncertainty about whether or not we are maybe talking to Tokyo after all. Visitors have the opportunity of accompanying the avatar live on walks through the Old Town, through Altstetten, and even through Tokyo’s Ueno district, near the main station, in Zurich.
Mirjam Wirz’s sound system reaches all the way to the ceiling of the exhibition space. The loudspeakers stacked one on top of another blare out fragments of music and voices from Mexico City, which is where the artist began her research project Sonidero City. Following the traces of cumbia music, Mirjam Wirz brings together people’s stories, music, everyday life, the world around us and the knowledge within us, and combines them to form a mosaic of image and text. Her work bears the title Ojos Suaves (Soft Eyes) and her gaze is correspondingly open, seeking some undefined moment in which everything seems possible. Making things possible is also the key to a project involving twenty Zurich artists. During the first wave of the coronavirus, Martin Senn got ten artists to produce a portfolio of ten lithographs in collaboration with Zurich printmaker Thomi Wolfensberger. We liked the idea so much that we would like to continue the project during the second wave with prints by another ten Zurich artists. Lithography is a new medium for all of them. But why not take advantage of these exceptional times by starting something new?
Events (for dates and details, see the enclosed invitation card, and for updates see www.helmhaus.org) Even the sun has a corona. And so, for Next Day The Sun Came Up, our focus is not so much on big events, but more along the lines of direct – and safe – encounters between visitors and artists. Almost all the artists are present from time to time during opening hours. Teresa Pereira will be continuously working on her wall sculpture to create a radiant body, while Ali Al-Fatlawi will be lending form to the memories of visitors. Alicia Velázquez will be reflecting their dreams in drawings and writings, merged with her own dreams, to create a collective dream. The pigeons are always there for Seraina Dür & Jonas Gillmann and the duo will join them now and again, perhaps singing or dancing. Islands expert Silvia Popp produces chairs in her workshop and reflects on transformation, Wassili Widmer lends rhythm to all these spaces – and all sorts of stuff can happen besides – while Guido Vorburger quietly works on his next painting in his studio.
Discussions will continue at the Helmhaus – we hope – beyond the turn of the year. Speakers will be there as ever, with masks of course, to engage with visitors in reflecting on what has been seen, heard or felt. And, as ever, we’ll be announcing three events that will take place at the Helmhaus sooner or later. The book launch relating to the Neu-Oerlikon Performance Series presents a new publication covering a decade of performances in the public space. Edited by Maricruz Peñaloza and published by Amsel-Verlag Zurich, the book not only documents the contributions made by 150 performers from all over the world, but also addresses wider social, political and cultural issues (Thursday, 10 December 2020). How Swiss museums handle Diversity is the question for our panel discussion on Thursday, 14 January 2021. Based on a research project at the Hochschule der Künste Bern, and moderated by cultural scientist Anke Hoffmann, this is an opportunity for the guest panellists and the public to discuss representation, dependency/dependencies and quality with regard to the topic of diversity. Finally, we welcome a guest who has seen the sun come up for nigh on a century: Fritz Senn, Director of the James Joyce Foundation in Zurich and internationally renowned authority on Joyce, will be speaking with Daniel Morgenthaler in our 5 O’Clock Theses series, this time under the Beckettian title The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new (Wednesday, 16 December 2020). And besides: we can all look forward to the curiosity in the eyes of children, and adults too, putting the everyday behind them for an hour or so at the Helmhaus, thanks to the expertly led and thought-provoking Guided Tours – as well as Studio Tables for children.
For further information and visual material, please contact Nathalie Killias, tel. +41 (0)44 415 56 77, email: [email protected] Information on the exhibition and visual materials are available for download on our website: helmhaus.org.
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#Arbeitsstadt Cottbus - 2050 EFFIZIENTER UNI-CAMPUS
Zitat: ,,Neben dem Produktionssektor wird vor allem der Verkehrssektor potenzielle Anwendungsgebiet sein: ,,Wir stehen am Vorabend einer weiteren mobilen Revolution. In Zukunft werden autonome Fahrzeuge aktiv am Straßenverkehr teilnehmen. Die dafür notwendigen Daten generieren sie mithilfe von Kameras bzw. Sensoren, die vom Rechner in Echtzeit innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen verarbeitet werden. Außerdem tauschen die Fahrzeuge untereinander sowie mit der Verkehrsinfrastruktur permanent Informationen aus. Dem Autofahrer werden sukzessive mehr und mehr Aufgaben durch Fahrroboter abgenommen.’’
I Maurer, Markus (2015): Autonomes Fahren. Technische, rechtlicher und gesellschaftliche Aspekte. Berlin
Dieser Aussage zu folge ist es für eine technische Universität wie der BTU-Cottbus vorstellbar ein produktiveres und effizienteres Leben anhand autonomer Fahrzeuge zu kreieren. Denn dadurch werden die vorhanden Ressourcen wie die Wasserstofftanks und auch die elektrischen Ladestationen auf dem UNI-Campus auf ideale Art zukunftsorientiert genutzt. Es ist vorstellbar das die Universität anhand eines autonomen Buskonzeptes der Stadt ein Vorbild sein wird, sodass dies nicht nur auf dem Universitätsgelände stattfindet, sondern auch ganz Cottbus einbezieht. Die autonomen Busse sind energieeffizient und reduzieren zudem einen großen Anteil der Schadstoff, die durch gegenwärtige Kraftfahrzeuge produziert werden. Im Jahr 2050 werden nicht nur Studenten/innen oder Dozenten/innen auf dem Campus sein, sondern auch autonome Busse, fliegende Drohnen oder auch Smarte Stationen, fast schon wie im Science-Fiction Film ,,Metropolis’’ von Fritz Lang und Thea von Harbou, die schon 1927 solch ein Vorstellung des Lebens in der Zukunft hatten. Es wird ein digitalisiertes Leben sein, dass zum Ziel setzt, die Produktivität effizient zu optimieren. Zudem werden Apps entwickelt, um diese Dinge zu bedienen, um Informationen auszutauschen und auf dem aktuellen Stand zu sein. Die Smarten Stationen werden die Daten sammeln, auswerten und nutzen können, sodass nicht nur die Universität, sondern auch Cottbus intelligenter, effizienter und individueller gemacht wird. Das umfass Bereiche wie Energie und Umwelt, Transport und Logistik, Wirtschaft und Produktion. 
Es wird ein digitalisiertes Leben, dass alle Köpfe miteinander verbindet und die Effizienz, Produktivität und auch die Kreativität steigert. #Ein optimiertes Leben
                   (Layout: Mehmet Emin Ucar) I MeUc                                                               
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walmat · 5 years ago
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Press conference @kuenstlerhauswien In the Exhibition 'And Sister Makart goes on a tramp' the encounters of six artists/artist duos with an artist of their choice, of any background, but of a different generation, are staged.  The goal is to initiate engaging public dialogues that build bridges. Six performances, lectures and artists’ discussions taking place until the end of December 2019. (Text Homepage Künstlerhaus) Swipe 👉 1 Evelyn Kreinecker meets Hubert Sielecki 2 Ashley Hans Scheirl / Jakob Lena Knebl meet Gerhard Laber 3 Anna-Maria Bogner meets Fritz Ruprechter 4 Klub Zwei (Simone Bader  and Jo Schmeiser) meet Yen Noh 5 Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe meets Pierre Molinier 6 Andrea Maurer meets Gerhard Rühm #Künstlerhaus1050 #KünstlerhausWien #artinvienna #EvelynKreinecker #HubertSielecki #AshleyHansScheirl  #JakobLenaKnebl #GerhardLaber #AnnaMariaBogner  #FritzRuprechter #KlubZwei #SimoneBader #JoSchmeiser #ElisabethBakambambaTambwe #PierreMolinier #AndreaMaurer #GerhardRühm #Contemporaryart #modernart #ArtsyVisualStorytelling #walmatwien #viennamylove #viennagoforit (at Künstlerhaus 1050) https://www.instagram.com/p/B29JFECg1Wy/?igshid=1nx1tdkybwfvb
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danieldaou · 6 years ago
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Evangelische Kirche Bischofszell Bischofszell, Thurgau, Switzerland; 1967-68
Benedikt Huber, Martha Huber; artwork by Peter Meister, Franz Putschert, Gian Casty (photography by Fritz Maurer)
see map | + pictures
via ���Das Werk” 56 (1969)
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mshort-theword · 6 years ago
·     Marianne Brandt tea pot - MBTK 24 Si. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.tecnolumen.com/42/Marianne-Brandt-Tea-pot.htm
·     Bauhaus- Marianne Brandt. Teapot MT49. (2010, December 06). Retrieved from https://interdisciplinaryleeds.wordpress.com/bauhaus-marianne-brant/
·     Design Icon: Marianne Brandt Teapot. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.designsponge.com/2014/04/design-icon-marianne-brandt-teapot.html
·     Falkner, R. (2018, September 12). The mana of taonga and what it means for museums in Aotearoa. Retrieved from https://blog.tepapa.govt.nz/2018/09/12/the-mana-of-taonga-and-what-it-means-for-museums-in-aotearoa/
·     The GO Rentals Team. (2018, December 11). 30 Kiwi Slang Terms you need to know before you visit. Retrieved from https://explore.gorentals.co.nz/blog/30-kiwi-slang-terms-need-know-visit/
·     Addey, D. (2018, December 04). Fontspots: Eurostile. Retrieved from https://typesetinthefuture.com/2014/11/29/fontspots-eurostile/
·     Fritz, K. V., Chambre, H., Maurer, A., Levi, A. W., Stroll, A., & Wolin, R. (2017, June 16). Western philosophy. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Western-philosophy
·     Museum, A., & Digital Media. (2013, January 31). Biographies of Modernist Designers. Retrieved from http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/b/biographies-of-modernist-designers/index.html#nagy
·     Tate. (n.d.). Postmodernism – Art Term. Retrieved from https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/postmodernism
·     Tate. (n.d.). Modernism – Art Term. Retrieved from https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/m/modernism
·     Editors, H. (2017, August 16). Modernism and Post-Modernism History. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/art-history/history-of-modernism-and-post-modernism
·     Ahmad, R. (2018, January 09). Modernism vs Postmodernism. Retrieved from https://templates.slidebean.com/presentation/modernism-vs-postmodernism
·     Heller, S., & Meggs, P. B. (2001). Texts on type: Critical writings on typography. New York: Allworth Press.
·     Greenhalgh, P. (1999). Modernism in design. London: Reaktion Books.
·     Kinross, R. (2011). Unjustified texts: Perspectives on typography. London: Hyphen Press.
·     VanderLans, R. (2004). Nudging graphic design. Berkeley, CA: Emigre.
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fashionbusinesspeople · 6 years ago
Erst wurde das Produkt erneuert, jetzt der Auftritt: Mit 600 Gästen feierte Bogner die Eröffnung des Münchner Flagship Stores. “Wir bei Bogner sind immer in Bewegung”, so Willy Bogner.
Auf der Gästeliste: Walter Maurer, Nina Ruge, Wolfgang Reitzle, Rosemarie Haber, Patricia Riekel, Helmut Markwort, Markus Höhn mit Frau Dorothea, Stephanie Czerny, Marie-Jeanette Ferch, Harold Faltermeyer, Alexander Liegl mit Frau Isabelle, Holger Blecker, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Andrea Kaiser, Thomas Dreßen, Nina Suess, Katharina Schmalzl, Mirjam Flatau, Bene Mayr, Fritz Egner, Markus Wasmeier mit Frau Gitti, Sven Kühnle, Philipp Boy, Felix Loch, Florinda Bogner, Konstantin von Hodenberg, Christa Kinshofer, Michael Greis, Walter Vogel. Fotos: Petra Stadler und Sabine Brauer.
Markus Wasmeier, Brigitte Wasmeier, Willy Bogner, Philipp Boy “The B-Project Launch Party” im Bogner-Store in der Residenzstr. 15 in München am 11.10.2018 Foto: BrauerPhotos / G.Nitschke fuer Bogner
Übersicht / Feature “The B-Project Launch Party” im Bogner-Store in der Residenzstr. 15 in München am 11.10.2018 Foto: BrauerPhotos / G.Nitschke fuer Bogner
Frank Wörndl, Marlon Wörndl “The B-Project Launch Party” im Bogner-Store in der Residenzstr. 15 in München am 11.10.2018 Foto: BrauerPhotos / G.Nitschke fuer Bogner
Bene Mayr, Thomas Dre§en, Felix Loch “The B-Project Launch Party” im Bogner-Store in der Residenzstr. 15 in MŸnchen am 11.10.2018 Foto: BrauerPhotos / G.Nitschke fuer Bogner
Profashionals auch in Instagram. Jetzt folgen: profashionals_live
  “Immer in Bewegung” Erst wurde das Produkt erneuert, jetzt der Auftritt: Mit 600 Gästen feierte Bogner die Eröffnung des Münchner Flagship Stores.
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Wimbledon 2017: Bracket, schedule and scores for men's draw
Can Roger Federer lift his eighth Wimbledon championship? We have coverage throughout the tournament.
Wimbledon, the third and arguably biggest Grand Slam on the tennis calendar, gets underway on Monday, and it has a full field of men with a shot at capturing the title. But there’s one man, Roger Federer, who is favored to take the tournament.
Federer has won Wimbledon seven times in his career, and he sat out the clay court season and the French Open to preserve himself for the grass courts of Wimbledon.
The results seem to be paying off, and Federer will enter the tournament as the heavy favorite even over top seed Andy Murray and other high seeds like Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal, who won the French Open.
Murray and Djokovic have been struggling in recent tournaments, and Stan Wawrinka hasn’t looked good on the grass thus far. Nadal obviously won at Roland Garros, but he too isn’t as good as Federer on grass courts.
Coverage of all courts throughout the tournament will be available for viewing in the United States, and you won’t have to miss a match.
Below is the full bracket, television and live streaming information for watching Wimbledon in the U.S., and a full schedule/results, updated daily throughout the tournament. Wimbledon will run from Monday, July 3 through Sunday, July 16.
Bracket courtesy of the official Wimbledon website.
Viewing information
As usual, ESPN will carry television coverage of Wimbledon in the United States. Coverage will exist primarily on the flagship ESPN network, with some coverage rolling over into ESPN2.
Online streaming of the entire Wimbledon Grand Slam will also be available, as usual, via WatchESPN and the ESPN App on various devices. All courts will be available for live streaming throughout the tournament, and you don’t have to miss a match.
Other streams can be had through services like PlayStation Vue and SlingTV, along with any others that carry ESPN in their packages.
Below is a list of days and which channels you can watch the action on, and below that is the full tournament schedule and results, updated daily.
How to watch Wimbledon
Day 1, Monday, July 3 (recap)
No. 1 Andy Murray def. Alexander Bublik, 6-1, 6-4, 62 No. 4 Rafael Nadal def. John Millman, 6-1, 6-3, 6-2 Daniil Medvedev def. No. 5 Stan Wawrinka, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 No. 7 Marin Cilic def. Philipp Kohlschreiber, 6-4, 6-2, 6-3 No. 9 Kei Nishikori def. Marco Cecchinato, 6-2, 62, 6-0 No. 12 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga def. Cameron Norrie, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 No. 14 Lucas Pouilledef. Malek Jaziri, 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-4, 7-6(2) No. 16 Gilles Muller def. Marton Fucsovics, 7-5, 6-4, 6-2 No. 18 Roberto Bautista Agut def. Andreas Haider-Maurer, 6-3, 6-1, 6-2 Pierre-Hugues Herbert def. No. 20 Nick Kyrgios, 6-3, 6-4 (retired) Aljaz Bedene def. No. 21 Ivo Karlovic, 6-7(5), 7-6(6), 6-7(7), 7-6(7), 8-6 No. 24 Sam Querrey def. Thomas Fabbiano, -6(5), 7-5, 6-2 No. 26 Steve Johnson def. Nicolas Kicker, 6-4, 7-5, 6-3 No. 28 Fabio Fognini def. Dmitry Tursunov, 6-1, 6-3, 6-3 No. 30 Karen Khachanov def. Andrey Kuznetsov, 7-6(4), 2-6, 6-3, 1-6, 6-2 Kevin Anderson def. No. 31 Fernando Verdasco, 2-6, 7-6(5), 7-6(8), 6-3
Day 2, Tuesday, July 4 (recap)
No. 2 Novak Djokovic def. Martin Klizan, 6-3, 2-0 (retired) No. 3 Roger Federer def. Alexandr Dolgopolov, 6-3, 3-0 (retired) No. 6 Milos Raonic def. Jan-Lennard Struff, 7-6(5), 6-2, 7-6(4) No. 8 Dominic Thiem def. Vasek Pospisil, 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 No. 10 Alexander Zverev def. Evgeny Donskoy, 6-4, 7-6(3), 6-3 No. 11 Tomas Berdych def. Jeremy Chardy 6-3, 3-6, 7-6(4), 6-4 No. 13 Grigor Dimitrov def. Diego Schwartzman, 7-6(4), 6-2, 6-2 No. 15 Gael Monfils def. Daniel Brandsm 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 No. 17 Jack Sock def. Christian Garin, 6-3, 4-6, 7-6(4), 6-3 Adrian Mannarino def. No. 19 Feliciano Lopez, 5-7, 6-1, 6-1, 4-3 (retired) David Ferrer def. No. 22 Richard Gasquet, 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-2 No. 23 John Isner def. Taylor Fritz, 6-4, 7-6(3), 6-3 No. 25 Albert Ramos-Vinolas def. Jordan Thompson, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6(4) No. 27 Mischa Zverev def. Bernad Tomic, 6-4, 6-3, 6-4 No. 29 Juan Martin Del Potro def. Thanasi Kokkinakis, 6-3, 3-6, 7-6(2), 6-4 No. 32 Paolo Lorenzi vs. Horacio Zeballos, To finish: 7-6(3), 4-6, 7-6(8), 2-2
Day 3, Wednesday, July 5 (recap)
No. 1 Andy Murray def. Dustin Brown, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 No. 4 Rafael Nadal def. Donald Young, 6-4, 6-2, 7-5 No. 7 Marin Cilic def. Florian Mayer, 7-6(2), 6-4, 7-5 No. 9 Kei Nishikori def. Sergiy Stakhovsky, 6-4, 6-7(7), 6-1, 7-6(6) No. 12 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga def. Simone Bolelli, 6-1, 7-5, 6-2 Jerzy Janowicz def. No. 14 Lucas Pouille, 7-6(4, 7-6(5), 3-6, 6-1 No. 16 Gilles Muller def. Lukas Rosol, 7-5, 6-7(7), 4-6, 6-3, 9-7 No. 18 Roberto Bautista Agut def. Peter Gojowczyk, 6-2, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 No. 24 Sam Querrey def. Nikoloz Basilashvili, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 No. 26 Steve Johnson def. Radu Albot, 6-3, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 No. 28 Fabio Fognini def. Jiri Vesely, 7-6(3), 6-4, 6-2 No. 30 Karen Khachanov def. Thiago Monteiro, 3-6, 7-6(5), 7-6(3), 7-5 No. 32 Paolo Lorenzi def. Horacio Zeballos, 7-6(3), 4-6, 7-6(8), 7-5
Day 4, Thursday, July 6 (recap)
No. 2 Novak Djokovic def. Adam Pavlasek, 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 No. 3 Roger Federer def. Dusan Lajovic, 7-6(0), 6-3, 6-2 No. 6 Milos Raonic def. Mikhail Youzhny, 3-6, 7-6(7), 6-4, 7-5 No. 8 Dominic Thiem def. Gilles Simon, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4 No. 10 Alexander Zverev def. Frances Tiafoe, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3 No. 11 Tomas Berdych def. Ryan Harrison, 6-4, 6-3, 6-7(8), 6-3 No. 13 Grigor Dimitrov def. Marcos Baghdatis, 6-3, 6-2, 6-1 No. 15 Gael Monfils def. Kyle Edmund, 7-6(1), 6-4, 6-4 Sebastian Ofner def. No. 17 Jack Sock, 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 2-6, 6-2 Dudi Sela def. No. 23 John Isner, 6-7(5), 7-6(5), 5-7, 7-6(5), 6-3 No. 25 Albert Ramos-Vinolas def. Andrey Rublev, 7-5, 6-7(6), 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 No. 27 Mischa Zverev def. Mikhail Kukushkin, 6-1, 6-2, 2-6, 3-6, 6-4 Ernests Gulbis def. No. 29 Juan Martin Del Potro, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6(3) Jared Donaldson def. No. 32 Paolo Lorenzi, 6-4, 7-6(0), 6-7(0), 6-2
Day 5, Friday, July 7 (recap)
No. 1 Andy Murray def. No. 28 Fabio Fognini, 6-2, 4-6, 6-1, 7-5 No. 4 Rafael Nadal def. No. 30 Karen Khachanov, 6-1, 6-4, 7-6(3) No. 7 Marin Cilic def. No. 26 Steve Johnson, 6-4, 7-6(3), 6-4 No. 18 Roberto Bautista Agut def. No. 9 Kei Nishikori, 6-4, 7-6(3), 3-6, 6-3 No. 12 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga vs. No. 24 Sam Querrey, To finish: 2-6, 6-3, 6-7(5), 6-1, 5-6 No. 16 Gilles Muller def. Aljaz Bedene, 7-6(4), 7-5, 6-4 Kevin Anderson def. Ruben Bemelmans, 7-6(3), 6-4, 7-6(3) Benoit Paire def. Jerzy Janowicz, 6-2, 7-6(3), 6-3
Day 6, Saturday, July 8 (recap)
No. 2 Novak Djokovic def. Ernests Gulbis, 6-4, 6-1, 7-6(2) No. 3 Roger Federer def. No. 28 Mischa Zverev, 7-6(3), 6-4, 6-4 No. 6 Milos Raonic def. No. 25 Albert Ramos-Vinolas, 7-6(3), 6-4, 7-5 No. 8 Dominic Thiem def. Jared Donaldson, 7-5, 6-4, 6-2 No. 10 Alexander Zverev def. Sebastian Ofner, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 No. 11 Tomas Berdych def. David Ferrer, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3 No. 24 Sam Querrey def. No. 12 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, 6-2, 3-6, 7-6(5), 1-6, 7-5 No. 13 Grigor Dimitrov def. Dudi Sela, 6-1, 6-1 (retired) Adrian Mannarino def. No. 15 Gael Monfils, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3
Day 7, Monday, July 10 (recap)
No. 1 Andy Murray def. Benoit Paire, 7-6(1), 6-4, 6-4 No. 2 Novak Djokovic vs. Adrian Mannarino, postponed No. 3 Roger Federer def. No. 13 Grigor Dimitrov, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4 No. 16 Gilles Muller def. No. 4 Rafael Nadal, 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 4-6, 15-13 No. 6 Milos Raonic def. No. 10 Alexander Zverev, 4-6, 7-5, 4-6, 7-5, 6-1 No. 7 Marin Cilic def. No. 18 Roberto Bautista Agut, 6-2, 6-2, 6-2 No. 11 Tomas Berdych def. No. 8 Dominic Thiem, 6-3, 6-7(1), 6-3, 3-6, 6-3 No. 24 Sam Querrey def. Kevin Anderson, 5-7, 7-6(5), 6-3, 6-7(11), 6-3
Day 8, Tuesday, July 11 (recap)
No. 2 Novak Djokovic def. Adrian Mannarino, 6-2, 7-6(5), 6-4
Day 9, Wednesday, July 12 (recap)
No. 24 Sam Querrey def. No. 1 Andy Murray, 3-6, 6-4, 6-7(4), 6-1, 6-1 No. 11 Tomas Berdych def. No. 2 Novak Djokovic, 7-6(2), 2-0 (retired) No. 3 Roger Federer def. No. 6 Milos Raonic, 6-4, 6-2, 7-6(4) No. 7 Marin Cilic def. No. 16 Gilles Muller, 3-6, 7-6(6), 7-5, 5-7, 6-1
Day 10, Thursday, July 13
Women’s semifinals
Day 11, Friday, July 14 (recap)
No. 3 Roger Federer def. No. 11 Tomas Berdych, 7-6(4), 7-6(4), 6-4 No. 7 Marin Cilic def. No. 24 Sam Querrey, 6-7(6), 6-4, 7-6(3), 7-5
Day 12, Saturday, July 15
Women’s final
Day 13, Sunday, July 16
No. 3 Roger Federer vs. No. 7 Marin Cilic
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years ago
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Factory and warehouse for Milchgesellschaft AG Hochdorf, Lucerne, Switzerland; 1963-64
Bert Allemann + Hans Stünzi, Danilo Moneta; Ulrich Holz (photography by Fritz Maurer, Paul Weber)
see map | more information
via “Das Werk” 52 (1965)
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years ago
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'Kunsthaus Zürich', extension building Zürich, Switzerland; 1973-75
Erwin Müller, Spahn & Pfister (photography by Fritz Maurer; Walter Dräyer)
see map | related post | related information
via "Schweizerische Bauzeitung" 94 (1976) / "Das Werk" 63 (1976)
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elarafritzenwalden · 3 years ago
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Single family house at Steigweg Märstetten, Thurgau, Switzerland; 1964
Plinio Haas, Ernst Baumann (photography by Fritz Maurer)
see map
via "Anthos: Zeitschrift für Landschaftsarchitektur = Une revue pour le paysage" 10 (1971) / "Bauen + Wohnen" 23 (1979) / "Informes de la Construcción", vol. 24, 233 (1971)
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years ago
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'Zentralbibliothek Solothurn', library Solothurn, Switzerland; 1944-58
Otto Pfister + Werner Pfister (photography by Fritz Maurer)
see map | more information 1, 2, 3
via "Schweizerische Bauzeitung" 78 (1960)
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years ago
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'Kunsthaus Zürich', extension building Zürich, Switzerland; 1973-75
Erwin Müller, Spahn & Pfister (photography by Fritz Maurer)
see map | related post | related information
via "Cementbulletin" 44-45 (1976-77)
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